A unified ontology for DUS and performance testing data (D7.4)

The deliverable D7.4, as part of WP7, provides recommendations for the implementation of data exchanges good practices. The goal is to harmonize the data semantics within the datasets to guarantee their interoperability between partners. The challenge focuses on finding a common ontology for the two types of variety testing data: DUS (Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability) and VCU (Value for Cultivation and Use).

In this document, we provide recommendations to ensure data interoperability based on the metadata. The goal is to present a realistic method based on existing ontology and standard that can be implemented in the prototype developed in task 7.4.

The document starts by detailing the project’s expectations in terms of data exchange and semantic. Then, it explains the difference between an ontology and other data standards. To finish, it gives guidelines to implement good practices within the INVITE project.

The deliverable report can be accessed here.

The deliverables published on the INVITE website are public and have been approved by the European Commission.