“Shopping list”, “Do it yourself custom list”, and measurement procedure to guide EOs and PROs in the implementation of the two non RGB low-cost phenotyping tools (D2.2)

This deliverable provides a list of protocols developed and tested during the two first years of this project in the framework of the task 2.4 within WP2, and to be transferred and validated by the examination offices and the post registration organisations in the framework of the task 5.1 within WP5.

The task 2.4 aimed to deliver new tools exploring beyond the human eye spectrum for specific traits of interest not accessible with regular RGB imaging devices. In particular, UAV photogrammetry was used to estimate ryegrass height by INRAE Lusignan; lidar technology was used to estimate the number of apples on trees by INRAE Montpellier; near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict quality parameters on apples by CRA-W; VIS-NIR spectrometer, VIS-NIR multispectral and hyperspectral imaging were used to detect fusarium head blight (FHB) on wheat in laboratory by GEVES and CRA-W; and finally, Fluorescence, VIS-NIR multispectral and hyperspectral imaging were used to detect fusarium head blight (FHB) on wheat in field by respectively AGROSCOPE, GEVES and CRA-W.

For those five study cases, 10 protocols (one for each device) have been written using the same template. This template gives a short introduction explaining the purpose of the protocol, a list of requirements needed to apply the protocol, the different steps to follow before sample analysis, instructions to follow to perform the analysis itself, recommendations for exporting spectral data from the device and store the raw data on the files server and finally explanations on the data treatment flow applied on the acquired data in order to produce a result

The deliverable report can be accessed here.

The deliverables published on the INVITE website are public and have been approved by the European Commission.