Guidelines and specifications for future databases for storing DUS/VCU and genetic data (D7.5)

In the framework of INVITEā€™s Task 7.3, some recommendations (including informatics specifications) have been proposed for establishing a database or some databases for the exchange of variety data at a European scale. Based on these recommendations, a prototype of such database will be developed in Task 7.4. Nevertheless, these recommendations are also intended to be useful for the establishment of databases that would be built outside the INVITE project. These recommendations have been elaborated through collecting the views of data providers (EOs=Examination Offices and PROs=Post-Registration Offices) and data users on the priorities for variety data sharing and on the conditions for successful data sharing. A benchmark on existing platforms for variety data sharing was also carried out. Thanks to the results of meetings of the data Provider and User group, interviews with experts and a survey conducted in particular among EOs or PROs (28 responses from all over Europe), this document presents general recommendations on issues to consider before exchanging data. The
document also presents the analysis of different use cases that could be chosen for the Task 7.4 and the IT solution that should be adopted for the selected use cases

The deliverable report can be accessed here.

The deliverables published on the INVITE website are public and have been approved by the European Commission.