
Publications in Journals

  • Michaela Jung, Morgane Roth, Maria José Aranzana, Annemarie Auwerkerken, Marco Bink, Caroline Denancé, Christian Dujak, Charles-Eric Durel, Carolina Font i Forcada, Celia M. Cantin, Walter Guerra, Nicholas P. Howard, Beat Keller, Mariusz Lewandowski, Matthew Ordidge, Marijn Rymenants, Nadia Sanin, Bruno Studer, Edward Zurawicz, François Laurens, Andrea Patocchi, Hélène Muranty, The apple REFPOP—a reference population for genomics-assisted breeding in apple

  • Juan M. Herrera, Lilia Levy Häner, Fabio Mascher, Jürg Hiltbrunner, Dario Fossati, Cécile Brabant, Raphaël Charles, Didier Pellet (2020), Lessons From 20 Years of Studies of Wheat Genotypes in Multiple Environments and Under Contrasting Production Systems, Front. Plant Sci., 28 January 2020 – Sec. Crop and Product Physiology – Volume 10 – 2019

  • Daniela Bustos-Korts, Marcos Malosetti, Karine Chenu, Scott Chapman, Martin P. Boer, Bangyou Zheng, Fred A. van Eeuwijk, From QTLs to Adaptation Landscapes: Using Genotype-To-Phenotype Models to Characterize G×E Over Time, Front Plant Sci. 2019; 10: 1540

  • Daniela Bustos-Korts*, Martin P. Boer, Jamie Layton, Anke Gehringer, Tom Tang, Ron Wehrens, Charlie Messina, Abelardo J. de la Vega, Fred A. van Eeuwijk, Identification of environment types and adaptation zones with self-organizing maps; applications to sunflower multi-environment data in Europe, Pages (from-to)2059-2082 – Journal Theoretical and Applied Genetics – Volume135 – Issue number 6 – Early online date7 May 2022 – Publication status: Published – Jun 2022

  • Caterina Morcia, Roberta Ghizzoni, Chiara Delogu, Lorella Andreani, Paola Carnevali, and Valeria Terzi, Digital PCR: What Relevance to Plant Studies?, Biology (Basel). 2020 Dec; 9(12): 433.

  • Daniela Bustos-Korts, Martin P. Boer, Marcos Malosetti, Scott Chapman, Karine Chenu, Bangyou Zheng, Fred A. van Eeuwijk, Combining Crop Growth Modeling and Statistical Genetic Modeling to Evaluate Phenotyping Strategies, Front. Plant Sci., 27 November 2019 – Sec. Technical Advances in Plant Science – Volume 10 – 2019

  • Caterina Morcia; Raffaella Bergami; Sonia Scaramagli; Chiara Delogu; Lorella Andreani; Paola Carnevali; Giorgio Tumino; Roberta Ghizzoni; Valeria Terzi, A Digital PCR Assay to Quantify the Percentages of Hulled vs. Hulless Wheat in Flours and Flour-Based Products, VOLUME=10;ISSUE=11;ISSN-20797737;TITLE=Biology

  • Cibecchini, G.; Cecere, P.; Tumino, G.; Morcia, C.; Ghizzoni, R.; Carnevali, P.; Terzi, V.; Pompa, A Fast, Naked-Eye Assay for Varietal Traceability in the Durum Wheat Production Chain, Foods 2020, 9(11), 1691

  • Gilliland, TJ, Annicchiarico, P, Julier, B, Ghesquière, A proposal for enhanced EU herbage VCU and DUS testing procedures. Grass Forage, Sci. 2020; 75: 227– 241

  • Morcia, C.; Bergami, R.; Scaramagli, S.; Ghizzoni, R.; Carnevali, P.; Terzi, V., A Chip Digital PCR Assay for Quantification of Common Wheat Contamination in Pasta Production Chain, National Library of Medecine – PMID: 32664323 PMCID: PMC7404985 DOI: 10.3390/foods9070911

  • P. Annicchiarico, L. Pecetti, Exploiting heterosis of semi-hybrids and heterogeneity of cultivar mixtures to enhance alfalfa crop performance, Field Crops Research, Volume 283, 2022, 108522, ISSN 0378-4290

Publications in conferences proceedings/Workshop 

  • Stéphanie Mahieu, Fabien Surault, Eric Roy, Didier Combes, Marc, Ghesquière, Gaëtan Louarn, Ela Frak, Bernadette Julier, La photogrammétrie pour mesurer la hauteur de couverts de luzerne à partir d’images prises avec un drone, HAL Id: hal-03323306

  • Hadhami Garbouge, Nicolas Mascher, Joseph Peller, Philippe Vermeulen, Didier Demilly, Rick Van de Zedde, Cécile Collonnier, Mark Mueller-Linow and David Rousseau, Towards numerical practices in variety testing: a rationale to select the most promising traits, UPOV, Technical Working Party on Automation and Computer Programs

  • Vincke D., L., Scaut B., Mercatoris B., Baeten V.,Vermeulen P., Near infrared imaging for cereal’s health status


  • Mouad Zine-El-Abidine a, Helin Dutagaci b, Gilles Galopin c, David Rousseau, Assigning Apples to Individual Trees in Dense Orchards using 3D Color Point Clouds, ScienceDirect – Volume 209, September 2021, Pages 30-52